Shrimp Sorella Diavolo – You Little Devil, You #WeekdaySupper

Move over Fra (Brother), this Sorella (Sister) is turning up the heat in the kitchen!


Shrimp Fra Diavolo, the traditional shrimp dish, is translated as Brother Devil, in Italian.

Why?  Because it’s hot, hot, hot!

But it’s not just for the boys.  From what I’ve heard, Italian women can be just as spicy, especially when it comes to cooking.

So, this (part) Italian decided to make a version inspired by the feminine side of the family.  Adding some sweetness and depth to the traditional onions with some mellow, smooth leeks.  And some cream, to add richness… and for just enough pink.

A perfect meal any day of the week, especially a #WeekdaySupper.  Quick to the table, and even quicker on cleanup.  Try it over a bed of your favorite pasta.  Or in my latest version, with butter lettuce as a low carb wrap.  And the sauce?  Why not add some fun to your place settings and serve it on the side in shot glasses.  For drizzling, or for guzzling… yes, it’s that good.

Addictively fresh.  Addictively beautiful.  Addictively spicy.

Oh, you yummy Diavolo, you.

Shrimp Sorella Diavolo

1 lb. frozen raw large shrimp (make sure they are raw- if they are pink, they’re already cooked!)
1 yellow onion
2 large leeks
1/2 c. cream
2 Tblsp. crushed tomatoes (or 1 Tblsp. tomato paste) to taste, and make a nice pink color
3/4 c. chicken broth
a few splashes white wine
Dried thyme, crushed red peppers and any other dried spices that you like (I use Penzey’s Parisien)
8 fresh basil leaves, julienned
Sea salt & pepper to taste

First, defrost the shrimp in a colander under cool water for a few minutes.  Then peel and remove any veins/legs. Pat dry and sprinkle with Red Pepper Flakes and salt to taste (just a few shakes should do- it’s spicy!)

Next slice the onion and leeks into half moons and place in large skillet with olive oil. Season with salt, pepper and dried spices and sauté until translucent and soft.

While the onions/leeks are cooking, quickly sauté the shrimp in oil in a separate pan (about 2 min. per side) making sure not to overcook.  Remove shrimp from pan with a slotted spoon and set aside.  To the same pan, add in the cream and the crushed tomato or tomato paste with the leftover shrimp juices, to make a nice pink color.  Bring to a boil and then simmer for a few minutes until thickened.  In the last minute or so, add in the fresh basil.  Set aside.

In the larger skillet, once the onions/leeks are starting to caramelize, add in the chicken broth and wine and also reduce for a few minutes, salting and peppering, and adding more crushed red pepper (if you can handle it!) as needed.

Add the shrimp to the veggies and spoon the sauce over.  Serve over pasta, or as a lettuce leaf wrap with the sauce on the side.

Source: (defunct blog)