French 75 cocktail

French 75

The French 75 is my all-time favorite cocktail. I could absolutely drink one every day for the rest of my life . And if God forbid I ever end up in a coma, I am putting in a formal request to have it streamed through my IV. I fully understand that some medical professionals may consider this as a sign of alcoholism. But really it’s just a sign of good taste.

French 75

This was the first time I have ever made a fancy cocktail at home – and I’ve got to tell you, folks: that shit was easy. Like, dangerously easy. As in don’t be surprised if you find me passed out in three hours surrounded by empty champagne bottles easy.

I made a double batch for my book club Christmas party on Sunday and (surprise), it’s all gone. Lucky for me, I made extra simple syrup and stashed it in the fridge… along with spare lemon juice, gin, and champagne. Oops.

French 75

This really is the quintessential champagne cocktail, which makes it perfect for Christmas Eve, or even better, New Year’s Eve. It’s certainly what I’ll be drinking.

Happy holidays!

French 75, makes 8 cocktails (But you will want more, so you should double it. Or triple it. This is a judgment-free zone.)
adapted from Bon Appetit


  • 1/2 c simple syrup (recipe follows)
  • 1/2 c gin
  • 1/2 c lemon juice
  • 1 bottle champagne
  • lemon twists (for garnish)


Mix together simple syrup, gin, and lemon juice. Chill, or mix with ice and then divide evenly amongst champagne flutes. Alternatively, you can take a little bit at a time and mix it with ice in a cocktail shaker. Top with champagne and a lemon twist.

Simple Syrup


  • Sugar
  • Water

*Use equal parts sugar and water. I used 1c of each to make some extra and have plenty left over.


Mix equal parts sugar and water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, and simmer until sugar dissolves. Let cool before using. Store in an airtight container.

Source: (defunct blog)