Dark chocolate dipped frozen banana pops

As soon as the weather begins to chill, I overexcite.

“IT’S CHRISTMAS!” I shout wrapping myself in a blanket and queuing up the Michael Buble Holiday album. But alas – it is October. And as badly as I’d like to watch snowman-themed claymation movies all day, I’m going to have to reel myself in for a couple of months.

I definitely underrate Halloween. Probably because my love handles are much less interested in a bag full of processed sugar than they were fifteen years ago. Also because I hate slutty costumes and judge other people for wearing them. But at the same time secretly wish I was wearing them. It’s really just a confusing time.

But in skipping my excitement meter straight to Christmas, I am missing som key benefits of October, including:

1. The leaves changing color, and it being gorgeous. Not here, of course. Just in other parts of the country where people have seasons and presumably like October.

2. Sweatshirt weather. Again, not here, but other places. I wore shorts and a sheer tank tap yesterday. Perhaps I should rent an October house up North.

3. Costume parties, which have lots of slutty costumes, but also spooky punch.

4. The start of Thanksgiving menu planning.

5. Halloween-themed snacks. These chocolate dipped bananas are just one of the many joys of the season I have so grossly overlooked.

These little guys were a big hit at this week’s talk about you sex life and people at work ”book club” meeting. You can use whatever kind of chocolate you like, but I got fancy since I was serving to only adults and used Chocolove’s Dark chocolate bar with sea salt and almonds. I highly recommend using that. I also recommend acting like adding the sea salt and almonds to the chocolate was totally your idea and something you did on the fly, because it’s impressive. And hey, you dipped bananas. You deserve some kind of recognition.

You can also justify the nutritional value easily, but really just eat a lot of chocolate. I’d call that a win for everyone. Plus, they’re so easy, you could make them with kids. Just make sure you never go to HEB in search of Halloween sprinkles, because they are terrible people who don’t carry them and your children will cry. Not that I took children with me to HEB to test this theory out. I just presume every kid cries at things I do – like getting something on your shirt, or not being able to find themed sprinkles. You know, rational things.

To make these adorable banana pops, here’s what you do:

Dark Chocolate Dipped Frozen Banana Pops (serves 8)


  • 4 large bananas, perfectly ripe
  • 16 oz of chocolove dark chocolate with sea salt and almonds, or whatever type you like
  • Sprinkles
  • Popsicle sticks


Cut each banana in half crosswise, then stick a popsicle stick halfway through it. Place a heat safe bowl over a pot of boiling water, creating a double boiler. Place the chocolate in the bowl, and stir as it melts. Once melted, spoon over bananas until covered. Let chocolate set for about 5 seconds, removing any excess. Roll finished banana in sprinkles. Set aside on a sheet of wax paper. Place finished bananas in freezer in a tupperware container for 8 hrs.

Source: ringfingertanline.com (defunct blog)