No-Churn Cookies & Cream Ice Cream

No-Churn Cookies & Cream Ice Cream |

If you haven’t noticed, I’ve been on a major ice cream kick this summer. And I’ve been wearing my poor ice cream maker down! He’s exhausted, so I let him take a nap in the cupboard. And honestly, if I have to separate another egg, I’m going to crack (no pun intended).

I have kind of a problem when it comes to Oreos. I love from-scratch desserts, but put a package of Oreos in front of me? It’s a done deal. I’ll be scraping black gunk out of my teeth for a week. I like to dunk each cookie into a big glass of milk, wait for it to stop bubbling and feel the cookie start to give way between my fingers, then eat the soft, soggy thing in one bite. If I’m at my parents’ house and there happens to be coffee left in the carafe, I’ll opt for that as a dunking solution. Anyone else a coffee & Oreos fan?

Since I love Oreos, I find Cookies & Cream ice cream to be one of the simplest pleasures in life. It has been knocked down a few rungs on my list of favorite ice cream flavors, but only because I’ve discovered so many more options. As a kid, it was always a debate between Cookies & Cream or Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Just put cookies in my ice cream, already!

This ice cream totally blows my mind with its simplicity. It has literally 4 ingredients. F-O-U-R! I could have gotten all intense and made my own chocolate wafer cookies to put into it, but I demand to be cut slack because I was 37 weeks pregnant at the time I made this recipe, and waddling back and forth across the kitchen was getting pretty tiring. Besides, if Oreos are good enough for Tegan & Sara, they’re good enough for me. (Really, I don’t need Tegan & Sara’s endorsement, but it certainly doesn’t hurt because they are talented as all get out, and I also maybe have a crush on Tegan a little bit.)

This ice cream was so quick and easy to put together, I might be experimenting with other no-churn ice cream mix-ins during my maternity leave, because I sure as hell am not baking anything while I’m learning to take care of a newborn. But I do imagine that copious amounts of ice cream are required to handle the stress of becoming a parent.


This super easy ice cream requires no special equipment and only 4 ingredients!
Prep Time: 10 min
Total Time: 6 hr
  1. 1 (14-ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
  2. 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  3. 2 cups (480 mL) chilled heavy cream
  4. 1 cup crushed Oreo cookies (from about 12 cookies)
  1. In a large bowl, stir together sweetened condensed milk and vanilla extract with a rubber spatula.
  2. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, beat heavy cream until stiff peaks form. With the rubber spatula, fold whipped cream into condensed milk until uniform. Fold in crushed Oreos until evenly distributed.
  3. Transfer to a loaf pan. Press parchment paper against the top and freeze until firm, about 6 hours.
By Maria Siriano
Adapted from Martha Stewart
Source: (defunct blog)