Traditional Mexican wedding cookies

Traditional Mexican Wedding Cookies |

Recently, I was informed that Mexican Wedding Cookies aren’t really a “thing” here in New York. CLEARLY, I was outraged at this discovery because as far as I’m concerned, theses buttery, melty hunks of holiday joy should be a staple in every home. Just like chocolate covered bacon.

Then I found out that Mexican Wedding Cookies also masquerade as Russian Tea Cakes, Italian Wedding Cookies, and whatever “Butterballs” are. Different from the turkeys, allegedly.

So it seems my information was wrong, and these cookies are (rightfully) a “thing” everywhere. And are also very international. Which is good, because I like a well cultured cookie.

Traditional Mexican Wedding Cookies |

In any case, these guys are a “thing” for good reason. They may not be the prettiest cookie in the jar, but they are one of the most highly sought after once you’ve tasted them.

You should trust me on this.

I’ve tasted a lot of cookies.

Traditional Mexican Wedding Cookies |

Usually, I love to add interesting twists to traditional cookie recipes, but I just can’t bring myself to do it with these. I’m too emotionally attached to the original, and have no desire to screw with perfection.

I mean, come on. They’re just so naturally flawless already. They’re like the Beyoncé of Christmas cookies.

You don’t add lemon zest to Beyoncé.

Traditional Mexican Wedding Cookies |

This recipe is sure to become a family (or single person eating cookies alone) favorite. Perfect for feeding grandchildren, drunk people, in-laws, strangers, co-workers, Santa Claus, and/or yourself. Just make sure to supplement with a glass of milk or steaming hot chocolate!

Traditional Mexican Wedding Cookies |

Traditional Mexican Wedding Cookies, from


1 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 1/4 cups sifted flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup chopped walnuts
powdered sugar (for rolling baked cookies in)


Cream together butter and powdered sugar until light and fluffy; stir in vanilla.
Whisk together flour and salt; add gradually to butter mixture; stir in chopped nuts.
Chill dough if it seems too soft.
Form dough into 1 1/4″ balls and place onto parchment-lined or ungreased baking sheets.
Bake at 400° for 10-12 minutes or just until the cookies start to turn light golden-brown; remove from oven and allow to cool slightly; while cookies are still warm (but NOT hot) remove them from baking sheets and roll, a few at a time, in powdered sugar until evenly coated; cool cookies completely on wire racks.
Cookies may (optionally) be rolled in powdered sugar a second time once cooled to room temperature.

Source: (defunct blog)