Full Day Of Eating a Bodybuilding Diet – High Carb Day (shreddybrek)

This is a full day of eating a bodybuilding diet, on a high carb day, during my bodybuilding show competition preparation from Friday the 21st march. If you want to see a full day of eating for what a bodybuilder eats, or if you want to see some bodybuilding meal examples, then watching this full day of how to eat like a bodybuilder.

I run through my bodybuilding breakfast, show bodybuilding food examples and bodybuilding meal examples, I show how i eat clean when preparing for a bodybuilding show. This kind of bodybuilding diet can be followed if you’re looking for a fat loss diet, weight loss diet, or a muscle building diet. Each bodybuilding meal in this video is a healthy meal example, and is a good basis for how to eat clean. The grocery list for a bodybuilder is pretty simple when you see a bodybuilding meal example or a muscle gain diet plan. Find out what do bodybuilders eat in my full day eating a healthy , muscle building diet and fat loss diet video.