What I Eat in a Week as a College Student! | 2018 (Natalie Anaka)

Hey guys!!

In today’s video I show you what I eat in a week as a college student! I also show you some easy and quick meals that you can make if you’re on a budget. I have previously shown you how I grocery shop on a budget, so I thought I would show you how I put that in action haha. I clearly do not eat these meals every week, but I try to keep it simple especially when it comes to meals for breakfast and lunch.

I clearly thrive off of leftovers as you can see when I ate lasagna for 5 nights in a row, but usually I don’t have that much leftover from a meal. I would typically have leftovers for the next 3-4 nights, but I just ended up having a lot more lasagna for this week. Keep in mind that I tried to show you as much as I possibly could, but it’s also impossible to show you every little snack I have.

Thank you sooooo much for watching!! 🙂

Natalie ♡